Recognizing the global need for a world-wide forum of engineering deans and rectors, a group of over 20 leaders of engineering education institutions and corporate partners first met in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, on 9 October 2006 and in Istanbul, Turkey, on 30 September 2007. Encouraged by the International Federation of Engineering Education Societies (IFEES) and modeled after the ASEE Engineering Deans Council (EDC), the Global Engineering Deans Council (GEDC) was created on 9 May 2008 in Paris. The GEDC’s inaugural statement is known as the Paris Declaration.

Our Mission
To serve as a global network of engineering deans, and to leverage on the collective strengths, for the advancement of engineering education and research

Our Vision
To enhance the capabilities of engineering deans to transform schools in support of societies in a global economy
Strategic Priorities
The GEDC facilitates inter-institutional research collaborations characterized by teams with a unique set of complementary expertise that will work on a global challenge.
With access to more than 500 engineering leaders, members of industry and multilateral institutions, the GEDC connects its members to the largest global network of stakeholders in engineering education.
Industry serves as vital partners supporting the GEDC’s mission. Our GEDC Industry Forums, organized in partnership with Petrus Communications, bring together engineering employers and engineering deans to exchange and share knowledge.
The GEDC supports global exchange of programs, students and faculty—physically and virtually—while leveraging on the various challenges and opportunities that exist around the world. Our mobility platforms include the Global Virtual Internship Program created with Petrus Communications and the GEDCExchange, built in partnership with Quanser.
Previous Strategic Plans
In 2009, the GEDC formed a Strategic Planning Committee to work on creating its first Strategic Plan. At the 2010 annual GEDC Conference, held during the WEEF 2010 Singapore, the Committee came together to finalize its first Strategic Plan. Please click here to view the 2011-2013 GEDC Strategic Plan.
In 2012, another committee was formed, and updated the previous strategic plan. Click here for the 2013-2015 Strategic Plan.