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Youth Engagement: A Multi-Stakeholder Challenge

March 30th, 2022

1:00pm UTC

Engineering students and young engineers are often said to be “the future of engineering”. We are deemed valuable assets for the development of the discipline in the coming decades. But why not start engaging now? Despite a “lack of experience”, young engineers and students have a remarkable potential to influence the engineering education environment today. We are capable (and eager!) to be part of the present of engineering and STEM development. Students (bachelors, masters, and doctoral) and recent engineering graduates need to participate within the engineering education community actively, a voice that other stakeholders regard as an agent of change, capable of shaping the evolution of engineering according to current societal values youth live and embody.

However, we can’t do it alone. To achieve meaningful youth engagement within the engineering community, we must identify who are the relevant stakeholders involved, as well as what interest and capacity they may have to collaborate in this endeavor. Today, increasing youth engagement requires integration between academia, industry/corporations, and engineering associations. We must also evaluate the current needs and aspirations of young engineers. Together, this may provide a roadmap for effective action. 

As a non-profit global organization, the Student Platform for Engineering Education Development works to advance engineering education (EE) by providing a platform for international communication about EE among students and between students and other stakeholders. Action points include:

  • Connect different stakeholders of education
  • Provide input and create change
  • Promotion of Student involvement in EED issues
  • Improvement of EE on all levels of influence

Our goal is to bring students, educators, industry, and society together through dialogue and action in engineering education development.

Come join us!


Maria Laura Polo González is the president elect for 2022 at the Student Platform for Engineering Education Development. She currently serves as SPEED’s vice president of Educational Content, where she leads diverse activities with students all around the world. Maria Laura is an Environmental Engineer from Universidad de Los Andes, Colombia. She is fascinated with nature, biological systems and anthropological processes. Yet, all those interests stem from an underlying true passion for education. Maria Laura has been working towards promoting a cooperative network and experiences that generate a positive effect of engineering on society and the environment, and the participation of students in the decision-making process since 2017, when she became a member of SPEED. She is presently pursuing further studies in New York City, where she lives with her family and their unruly kitten, Azula.

Felipe Gómez Gallo is a Master’s student in Environmental Engineering and holds degrees as an Environmental and Civil Engineer with complementary studies in Biodiversity from Universidad de los Andes. His areas of expertise include meaningful youth engagement, Sustainable Development Goals, Engineering Education, and climate change mitigation & adaptation. He has gained experience in leadership with multicultural and multidisciplinary teams for the past 5+ years. Felipe is also an advocate for Mental Health and Diversity in STEM education given by his journey as a student. His experience helps him understand the importance of these needs and relate to students, while he strives to bring said concerns forth in all his projects. Felipe is currently a member of YOUNGO, the youth constituency to the UNFCCC, a member of UNEP MGCY, the youth constituency to UNEP, and a member of the Stockholm+50 Youth Task Force and the SDG4Youth Network. He currently holds the positions of President of the Student Platform for Engineering Education Development (SPEED) and Vice President for Student Affairs of the International Federation of Engineering Education Societies (IFEES). His mission is to empower students through education while securing safe, inclusive, and diverse spaces to do so.