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Brent Felder Series Webinar 3: “Learning Facilitation with Zoom Tools”

January 18,2022

2:00 PM GMT

Dr. Bill Williams, CEGIST, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal and TUDublin, Ireland

Dr. Sofia Sa, Universidade de Lisboa,Portugal

Many of us have worked with the basic functionalities of Zoom during the pandemic – sometimes with limited student participation. Of late, Zoom has added a range of tools which can help make online sessions more interactive. However, many educators don’t have the time to explore and feel comfortable with these tools.

In this 90-minute seminar, we will experience and learn how we can use Zoom tools to effectively boost active learning moments, student participation and consequently learning in remote classes.

Learning Objectives

  • Choose the best Zoom tool to use in different teaching and learning contexts
  • Prepare activities for distance learning using Zoom tools

Participants will gain experience in online activities that can be adapted for face to face sessions. After the session, in addition to the webinar slides, participants will also have access to activity templates that will facilitate adaptation in their own teaching contexts.”