The Lueny Morell Award for Educational Innovation in Higher Education at STEAM recognizes a relevant initiative of teaching innovation in the field of science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics (STEAM), characterized by its significant contribution and impact on HE.
The teaching innovation initiative can be
(1) carried out by a single teacher or by a group of teachers in the context of his/her course/s, or it can be
(2) an institutional initiative in the context of one/some degree/s, a School/Department or University. In this last case, the proposal must be leaded by the person in charge of the initiative in the institution.
With this award, InnovaHiEd Academy wants to honor the memory of its founder, Lueny Morell, a woman who was characterized by her ability to connect people and entities for educational improvement, with a truly global impact.
This edition of the award is organized by InnovaHiEd Academy in conjunction with the International Federation of Engineering Education Societies (IFEES) and the Global Engineering Deans Council (GEDC) and is sponsored by CTI Global and IAOE.
The initiative worthy of the Lueny Morell award will receive in recognition an economic compensation of USD 2,000, as well as the coverage of the expenses associated with participating in the award ceremony to be held during WEEF 2023 in Monterrey, Mexico, between October 23 and 27, 2023.
More information, head to their website: