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Global Learning Expedition – Thriving Online

Universities and companies world-wide are responding to Covid19 with resilience and creativity. However for students, the lack of opportunities to develop employability and intercultural skills beyond the classroom, and explore career pathways remains an immense source of concern.

In response, and building on the success of the pilot event in 2020*, our partner Petrus is launching another Global Learning Expedition and calling on universities and corporate partners world-wide to get involved.  

Designed for students from all backgrounds and profiles Thriving Online will take place online this coming Summer as well as later in the year. The pilot ran in September 2020, and was organised in partnership with McMaster University and the GEDC, with 100% of participants ready to recommend the experience to others. Students will work in multidisciplinary, international teams to address the challenges we face right now in education, the workplace and our communities. Through inspirational talks, workshops, career insight sessions, networking and creative teamwork supported by world-class coaches, all participants will gain essential workplace skills and discover a range of industries and career paths.

Students joining the program can be self-funded, sponsored by a company or funded by their university.

University partners can nominate faculty to join the program or the coaching team if wished. Company staff can join as speakers, experts, jury or coaches to interact with the students.

If you would like to partner with the Global Learning Expedition and support students to participate, please contact Laura Alistar at Students can already register their interest here.

“It was a fantastic way for students to gain some global experience without having to travel abroad,

which is challenging in the best of times and impossible now.”

Jenna Carpenter, Dean of Engineering Campbell University, USA

*100% of the participants said they would recommend the experience to others

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IFEES- GEDC Corporate Partners

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Coursera for Campus
Dassault Systemes
Infosys NYN Logo-01
Liaison International
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Quanser Consulting
Recorem Transparent

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