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CALL FOR AUTHORS – Latin American Women to write for ‘Matilda and Women in Engineering’ third book

It is a pleasure to invite you to be a part of our third book Matilda y las mujeres en Ingeniería. We are inviting authors to make their contribution of stories related to Women in Engineering. Articles on the following topics will be accepted: Calling (Where does the vocation for engineering come from) – Education – Professional Activity – Mentoring.

Deadline to submit articles: May 3, 2021. To submit your articles please contact:

These books, published and freely distributed digital format, have been organized by the Federal Council of Engineering of Argentina (CONFEDI) and by the Latin American and Caribbean Consortium of Engineering Institutions (LACCEI). The first book of Matilda was published 2019 with the second book published in 2020.

Now the Latin American Open Chair of Matilda and Women in Engineering take the initiative of publishing the third book, as a way to contribute to the visibility and appreciation of women in the field of engineering, and as a means to promote the study engineering in girls and adolescents. This initiative encourages engineering students in their careers and, even more ambitiously, contributes to equal rights, opportunities and spaces for men and women in the engineering world.

We are calling authors to make their contributions on stories of Women in Engineering, focusing on the following aspects:

  • Vocations (where does the vocation for engineering come from)
  • Education (life in college or university teaching)
  • Professional Exercise (life practicing the engineering profession)
  • Mentoring (how some people were mentors or role models for the discovery of vocation, education or profession)

We look forward to your article!

For any questions, we remain at your entire disposal and await your contribution before May 3, 2021. You can send your article or contact us at or


Adriana Páez Pino and Roberto Giordano Lerena


For more information:

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