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Consumer Insights Inspire Sustainability Innovations

August 25th, 2021

13:00 UTC

One of the most important driving forces behind Arcelik’s success in the global markets is its R&D power. Celebrating the 30th  anniversary of R&D, we have become even more challenged and enthusiastic to pursue our R&D strategies by enhancing the competencies of the R&D workforce.  In the new normal, it becomes even more critical to consider consumer insights while designing  new product or service.

Design thinking processes have been extensively utilized to create innovation in both consumers driven and technology driven R&D projects for a long time. In multidisciplinary agile teams, we build upon different consumer perspectives by emphasizing their needs and expectations. As the Industry Leader in Dow Jones Sustainability Index, we are continuously improving the performance of products with eco-friendly and innovative solutions by increasing  the usage of recycled and recyclable materials. We believe structures strategic collaborations and open innovation practices pave the path to technologies that cab change customer’s lives for good. In this presentation, we will discuss potential areas of collaboration between our corporate R&D and GEDC/IFEES community aligned with our technology roadmaps.  


Dr. Emre Oğuz

Born in Istanbul in 1977, Dr. Emre Oğuz graduated from İzmir Bornova Anatolian High School and started his undergraduate studies at Istanbul Technical University Mechanical Engineering Department in 1994. Dr. Oğuz started his graduate studies in the same department in 1998 upon obtaining his B.S., and he simultaneously started working as a Project Assistant at the Arçelik R&D Center within the scope of the University-Industry Cooperation Program during his M.S. studies. Between 2000-2006, he pursued his doctorate studies in ITU Institute of Science, Energy Program while working as an R&D Engineer at Arçelik. Dr. Oğuz worked as an R&D Specialist between 2008-2011 and Thermodynamic Technologies Team Leader between 2011-2014. He worked as System Development Manager between 2014-2016, and as Mechanical Technologies Group Manager between 2016-2019. Dr. Oğuz assumed the position of Compressor Plant Operations Director between 2019-2020 and was appointed as Arçelik R&D Director as of January 2021. Dr. Oğuz participated in various innovation and entrepreneurship programs organized by ESADE Business School and Harvard Business School Online. He has published more than 10 international papers, holds more than 20 international patent applications on several subjects, including alternative cooling technologies and environmental effects of refrigerants