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The SEFI European Convention for Engineering Deans 2024

The European Convention for Engineering Deans (ECED) is an annual networking event organised by the SEFI and a SEFI member university on 12th – 14th June 2024 at the University of Sheffield.

The conference will be made up of keynote speakers, networking sessions, facilitated workshops, discussion panels, round table discussions and tours of our facilities. There will be plenty of opportunities to share and exchange innovative ideas.

It brings together Deans, Heads of Department and Directors of Education from all over Europe to meet and to discuss, in depth, common issues in higher engineering education, including to:

  • Discuss innovation and governance
  • Share experiences in a professional, peer environment
  • Identify solutions to problems
  • Build up a network with peers in different European countries
  • Incentivise professionalism in higher engineering education
  • continue our university leadership dialogue

This year’s theme will be: Is Higher Education still fit for purpose?

  1. Structural: Do the traditional hierarchies/silos prevent innovation and inter/multi/trans disciplinary approaches to education? Does academic freedom inhibit leading teaching and implementing change? Are there opportunities that traditional structures present which are being missed?
  2. Technological: Does institutional inertia conflict with an agile approach and accelerating digital advances? To what extent should we embrace or resist the role of the academic being replaced by AI, individualised learning systems and analytics.
  3. Change: How does context and constructs empower or present a barrier to the roadmap to institutional change? Which are the institutional instruments to affect change?

More details about the convention can be found at

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