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Tools for Sustainability in Engineering Education: Report from the 2023 SEFI Conference

Since Siemens launched the Skills for Sustainability Network over a year ago, a recurring discussion has been on the need for resources to enable engaged faculty to embed sustainability into their engineering programmes.

This is why Siemens partnered with the UK’s Engineering Professors’ Council and Royal Academy of Engineering to develop a Sustainability Toolkit – an essential global resource for engineering educators to ensure graduates are fully equipped to take on sustainability challenges.
The Toolkit was presented at the 2023 SEFI – European Society for Engineering Education conference in Dublin as part of a workshop on “Using New Tools to Integrate Sustainability into Engineering Teaching”. 

The workshop introduced several valuable tools and programmes designed to help engineering educators more quickly and effectively integrate the sustainability knowledge, skills, and mindsets that both students and employers are demanding and that are essential to the globally responsible practices society needs today.
You can find out more about the workshop outputs, the resources presented, and how you can join over 300 members, representing 170 institutions in 40 countries around the world who are part of the Siemens Skills for Sustainability Network in the blog post below:

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