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Improving the system of teacher training for the vocational education of Ukraine

September 20, 2023

9:00 AM ET

Ukraine has an extended system of vocational education, which trains specialists for all branches of the economy. Despite a progress in the laboratory equipment of vocational schools in the years before the invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation, the network of vocational schools continued to decrease and the level of training of graduates was insufficient. The pandemic and especially the war, with a significant proportion of future workers learning remotely, aggravated the problems of training quality.

In Ukraine, teachers and masters for vocational schools are trained at universities at the specialty of Professional Education, which is divided into specializations. The problem of training and retraining of teachers for vocational schools is quite acute, besides, this profession is not prestigious.

The Ministry of Education and Science are making significant efforts to solve problems related to the quality of future vocational education teachers. These actions are primarily aimed at raising the prestige of working professions. An important direction is also the professional development of vocational school teachers and fill up of vocational schools with qualified ambitious teachers.

For this purpose, a resource of open distance courses for different professions has been created, IT literacy of vocational teachers is being improved, a platform for collaboration between vocational schools and future teachers has been created, and partner infrastructures are being implemented. The public union “Association of vocational and life-long education development” has begun to work. Ukraine’s experience in improving the system of teacher training for vocational education could be useful for other countries.

Oleksandr Kupriyanov started working as a teacher at the Manufacturing Engineering Department in 1997 after defending his PhD thesis. Along with teaching activities, for 15 years he was responsible for the creation of computer infrastructure of the Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogics Academy and implementation of e-learning in it. ING.PAED.IGIP since 2004.

In 2011 he became the Secretary General of the National Section of IGIP in Ukraine. Currently, Doctor of Technical Sciences Oleksandr Kupriyanov works as Vice- rector in Scientific Work and Professor of the Department of Information Computer Technologies and Mathematics at the Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogics Academy. He conducts research in the field of manufacturing engineering and continue organize blended learning in Academy.